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Time left to compete

05 Days 08 Hrs 27 Mins 13 Secs






For a mid western human being, before being 30 years old, a structural change in existence is almost taken for granted: leaving the parental home. While you know
where you come from (the house you grew up in, your family), it is uncertain and unpredictable where you will live when you turn 30. The complexity of life choices (be they educational, professional, relational, existential) exposes a certain prediction about one’s future to a very strong randomness.
Some will continue to live in their place of origin, at their parents’ home or near it; instead, some others will choose another place within their own country, or will change their nation or continent. Some more will choose to end this decade by living alone, while others will live in the company of brothers, sisters or friends. Many may decide to live with their own partner in an affective situation that is no longer necessarily heterosexual. Few, if we are apply to the typical statistics of a country like Italy, will have married and fathered children.
Someone will get up in the morning and go to work. Others will wake up and look for a job.




Candidates are asked to draft an audiovisual project in which they shall tell two stories of people who bought a house between the ages of 20 and 30, choosing a scenario from those written above or proposing new ones, and highlighting:

  • A difference between the two stories;
  • The link between the purchase of the house and other existential choices, for example: the creation of a family, the desire to remain alone, the closeness of the place of origin, the bond with the job;
  • The problems and solutions for the purchase, which normally in the life of the middle western human being is the highest cost faced

The candidate must send:

  • A motivation concerning the necessity of the chosen subject (pdf document, maximum 2000 characters);
  • A plot (pdf document, maximum 2000 characters);
  • A moodboard;
  • A description of the output (for example, a five-minute documentary, interactive installation etc);
  • A concise description of the production;
  • A brief description of the distribution method;

A first editing, or animatic, or rubamatic.

Candidates are also required to submit:

  • Personal portfolio of works and projects;
  • Detailed curriculum vitae;
  • Motivation statement;
  • Copy of Bachelor Degree/Academic diploma translated into English/Italian;
  • Academic transcript/mark-sheet of previous studies, translated into English/Italian, listing subjects and exams, with corresponding number of hours/credits;
  • Copy of passport;
  • NABA Master Programs Application Form – Academic Year 2020/21* (download)

* The application fee is waived for competition participants.


The competition is addressed to students of media design, creative technologies, digital arts, communication, design and humanities who, starting from a good preparation and predisposition to the production of videos and / or interactive systems, are eager to train on design and production of an audiovisual or interactive project, characterized by a strong authorial, experimental and critical approach.

Candidates holding a first-level academic diploma or BA degree, or about to graduate within the academic year 2019/20 and with a knowledge of the Italian/English language (according to the medium of instruction of the program) equal to a complete B1 Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (IELTS 5.0 or equivalent for English programs).


Projects will be evaluated and selected by the Faculty of the Two-year MA in New Technologies for Arts and the Admissions Jury.


Candidates are asked to send their materials in English or Italian and in two files in PDF format: one including the competition project and one including the remaining materials.

Projects in digital format must be uploaded here:

Apply now

Or materials can be sent by email to:

When you submit your project, you will receive a confirmation within 48 hours that your submission was received. If you do not receive a confirmation, let us know at: int.info@naba.it


  • April 24th 2020 – Deadline for submitting complete application documents and competition project;
  • May 8th 2020 – Communication of results to participants;
  • May 15h 2020 – Deadline for winners to enroll in the Two-year MA Program in New Technologies for Arts


The three best projects will be awarded a scholarship for partial coverage of the tuition fee to attend the first year of the Two-year MA in New Technologies for Arts starting in September 2020.

  • 1st prize: 1 scholarship covering 50% of the tuition fee to attend the first year of the MA Program;
  • 2nd prize: 1 scholarship covering 40% of the tuition fee to attend the first year of the MA Program;
  • 3rd prize: 1 scholarship covering 30% of the tuition fee to attend the first year of the MA Program;

Prizes will be calculated on the standard tuition fee amounting to:

  • €12.360 for EU passport holders (Local Community Tax and Graduation Thesis Fee are not included)
  • €17.360 for non-EU passport holders (Local Community Tax and Graduation Thesis Fee are not included)

Policy for renewal to the 2nd academic year:

  • Achievement of at least 40 credits by the end of the 3rd exams session – Fall/September;
  • Weighted average not lower than 27/30 by the end of the 3rd exams session – Fall/September.

In order to obtain the renewal of the Scholarship for the 2nd academic year, the recipient should comply with NABA re-enrollment procedure and meet the requirements mentioned here above. At the end of the third exam session (Fall/September), the Registration office will check whether the recipient meets the requirements to renew the Scholarship. Scholarship confirmation will be communicated to the student by October 31st.


  • Every moral or paternity right as to the project remains property of the author.
  • The projects sent to NABA will not be returned.
  • NABA is entitled not to award the scholarship if the projects are deemed not to meet the suitable standards defined by the jury. The jury will judge at its own discretion and its decision is final.
  • The scholarships referred to in this competition announcement cannot be combined with DSU scholarships or other economic grants offered by NABA.
  • All scholarship amounts will be deducted for every academic year from the last instalment of Tuition Fees.
  • Scholarships awarded for the Two-year Master of Arts Degrees are calculated out of the yearly total cost net of the Regional Tax for the Right to University Education equal to 140 Euro.
  • If the candidate does not confirm the acceptance of the prize, the scholarship can be transferred to the next candidate in the ranking list.
  • The scholarship will be no longer applicable in case the student: does not enroll to NABA within the deadline set out by the competition announcement; renounces to attend university or demands to be transferred to another Academy/ University; incurs in more serious disciplinary penalties than written reprimand for infractions against NABA.
  • Awarded prizes cannot be deferred to future intakes of the program or to a different program.
  • Selected participants accept that part of their work will be published on Websites and/or Social Media channels of the institutions involved.