Time left to compete
Homes are ever changing places. So they were in the past, so they still are today. Intimate spaces that we only share with designated people, that we can decide to open to the world only if we wish to.
The heart of the home, particularly in Italy, but also in other parts of the world, is the kitchen. Closed and secluded from the rest of the house, or open to the living room, or again the kitchen as a place that encloses need and passion, sharing and intimacy. There, technology is a growing presence, a valuable allied both for the kitchen-savvy and for the ones who like to spend there the least time possible.
The contest is centred on a domestic kitchen projected into the future, where design and technology merge, and everything revolves around an aspiring chef who practices at home to fulfil their dream: cooking in a starred restaurant. A real or virtual space, a contemporary or future domestic kitchen to emulate the performances, outcomes, moves and dynamics of a professional kitchen. It can be the evolution of a home kitchen, a kitchen set in 2090, or a place changed in shape and space, that speaks all languages of the world and connects with the universe. A place to create. Write a few lines to outline, in the first person, the chef’s features, their “field of action”, and the time coordinates of your project. Think of the space they need in order to create, between local heritage and global innovation: what traditions would they start from? Are you designing a space for them and their future job only, or for their public? Or both?.
The best projects will be awarded one of the 25 scholarships covering up to 50% of the tuition fees to attend the first year of the selected Master of Arts or Academic Master Programme starting in October 2021.
Prizes will be calculated on the standard tuition fee amounting to:
- €18.200 for EU and non-EU passport holders (Regional Tax for Academic Studies and Graduation Thesis Fee are not included) for one of the NABA Master of Arts Programmes;
- €15.000 for EU passport holders (Graduation Thesis Fee is not included) for one of the NABA Academic Master Programmes;
- €19.000 for non-EU passport holders (Graduation Thesis Fee is not included) for one of the NABA Academic Master Programmes.
- April 16th, 2021 – Deadline for submitting complete application documents and competition project.
All interested students can submit their application by presenting their project according to each brief’s deliverables, filling in the Application Form (downloadable at the link https://bit.ly/3aCpX2S) * and uploading the complete digital documentation to the following URL: http://competition.naba.it
Otherwise materials can be sent by e-mail to: int.info@naba.it
After submitting their applications, candidates will receive a confirmation e-mail within 48 hours. If candidates do not receive a confirmation, they should write to: int.info@naba.it
The deadline for sending applications is April 16th, 2021.
Discover the General conditions and every detail on the Scolarship Competition.